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ALHS Queensland Book Launch
Cyclamen: A Journey of Hope by Chadia Chalmers
The Cyclamen, native to my homeland and reminisce of my childhood, became a metaphor for my life. The Cyclamen – named for the ancient
Greek word for circle (kyklaminos). It is indeed the flower of love and hope (Chadia Chalmers).
You are invited to come and hear Chadia Chalmers speak about her book, Cyclamen: A Journey of Hope, a novel based on the story of her life.
Chadia writes frankly about her childhood in Marjeyoun, South Lebanon; joining a militia in Beirut during the civil war; facing difficult challenges in
the United States; and finally making Queensland’s Gold Coast her new home.
Cyclamen is a story of courage, hope and ultimate satisfaction told in fast-moving style, while giving readers an insight into the lives of people
who struggled to survive despite the chaos that surrounded them (Yvonne Matta, ALHS newsletter no. 83, May 2023, p. 5).
Where: The Grange Library, 79 Evelyn Street, The Grange.
When: Saturday 2 December 2023, 10.30am to 12.30pm.
What: Chadia’s talk followed by time for discussion and free morning tea.
Please Register below for this event or contact Anne Monsour on 0408 063 370