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On a walk in Redfern, I visited St Maroun’s Cathedral. Father Youssef Matta showed me a wooden plaque, held in the Cathedral’s storeroom, listing “Donators” (sic) for the “Church Alterations 1917-18” which makes it a very important record of St Maroun’s history. It is also a valuable genealogical resource for our community. The names on the plaque are:
Anthony Correy £5.5.0
Anthony Coorey and wife
Elie Sherwin £10.10.0
Mr & Mrs John Allan £10.10.00
J. M. J. Saad £7.7.0
Mrs Susan Lahood £7.7.0
Raphael J. Coorley £7.7.0
S. B. Nejaim £5.5.0
Martha Anthony Saad £5.5.0
Zahra Joson Rizck £5.5.5
Mrs Joseph Lahood £5.5.5
Mansour Joseph Lahood £5.5.5
Michael Mahboub Fahry £5.5.5
Saleem Makhlouf £5.5.5
Mary Michael £5.5.5
Assad Roukous £5.5.5
M. Zacka & Sons £5.5.5
J. P. Malouf £5.5.5
Simon Coorey £5.5.5
George Anthony Khoury £5.5.5
Lizzie Hashem £5.5.5
B. J. Khowley £3.3.0
Maroun Betrous Sleiman £3.3.0
Anthony Saab £3.3.0
Joseph Jacob Hessin £2.10.0
Simon J. Ghazi £2.2.0
Gallil Lahood £2.2.0
Elias Joseph Bou-geris £2.2.0
Anthony Allam £2.2.0
Michael George Gariby £2.2.0
George Coorey £2.2.0
San Anthony Haddad £2.2.0
Joseph Jabour £2.2.0
Mrs Estaphan Abdullah £2.2.0
Jebran Habib Yazbeck £2.2.0
Mrs George Anthony £2.2.0
Mrs Michael Mansour £2.2.0
Maurice T. Shaia £1.10.0
John Joseph Aboud £1.1.0
Amin Shalhoub £1.1.0
Joseph Anthony Shaia £1.1.0
Naif John Shaia £1.1.0
Mrs Barbara M. Barry £1.1.0
Anthony Shoumar £1.1.0
Anthony John £1.1.0
Joseph Jabour Tanna £1.1.0
Mrs Hawa Aboud £1.1.0
Joseph J. Chaziry £1.1.0
Henry Arida £1.1.0
Mrs Zahie A. Coorey £1.1.0
Ghazy P. Ghazy £1.1.0
M.L. Hage £1.0.0
Joseph Coorey £1.0.0
Charles Baz £1.0.0
Michael Joseph Ghazy £1.0.0
Joseph Mahboub Fahry £1.0.0
Mrs Hemamy Hanna £1.0.0
Mrs Martha Hanna £1.0.0
Mrs Joseph Bayrooty £1.0.0
Sarkis Rahey £1.0.0
Mrs Elias Sarkis £1.0.0
Joseph William Sidawy 10/-
Betros Seed 10/-
Mrs M. Mattar 10/-
Assad Joseph Samya 10/-
Mrs Mary Jabour Karam 10/-
Mrs Annie Barakay 10/-
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