St Maroun’s Cathedral – Valuable Historical Object

On a walk in Redfern, I visited St Maroun’s Cathedral. Father Youssef Matta showed me a wooden plaque, held in the Cathedral’s storeroom, listing “Donators” (sic) for the “Church Alterations 1917-18” which makes it a very important record of St Maroun’s history. It is also a valuable genealogical resource for our community. The names on the plaque are:

Anthony Correy £5.5.0
Anthony Coorey and wife
Elie Sherwin £10.10.0
Mr & Mrs John Allan £10.10.00
J. M. J. Saad £7.7.0
Mrs Susan Lahood £7.7.0
Raphael J. Coorley £7.7.0
S. B. Nejaim £5.5.0
Martha Anthony Saad £5.5.0
Zahra Joson Rizck £5.5.5
Mrs Joseph Lahood £5.5.5
Mansour Joseph Lahood £5.5.5
Michael Mahboub Fahry £5.5.5
Saleem Makhlouf £5.5.5
Mary Michael £5.5.5
Assad Roukous £5.5.5
M. Zacka & Sons £5.5.5
J. P. Malouf £5.5.5
Simon Coorey £5.5.5
George Anthony Khoury £5.5.5
Lizzie Hashem £5.5.5
B. J. Khowley £3.3.0
Maroun Betrous Sleiman £3.3.0
Anthony Saab £3.3.0
Joseph Jacob Hessin £2.10.0
Simon J. Ghazi £2.2.0
Gallil Lahood £2.2.0
Elias Joseph Bou-geris £2.2.0
Anthony Allam £2.2.0
Michael George Gariby £2.2.0
George Coorey £2.2.0
San Anthony Haddad £2.2.0
Joseph Jabour £2.2.0
Mrs Estaphan Abdullah £2.2.0
Jebran Habib Yazbeck £2.2.0
Mrs George Anthony £2.2.0
Mrs Michael Mansour £2.2.0
Maurice T. Shaia £1.10.0
John Joseph Aboud £1.1.0
Amin Shalhoub £1.1.0
Joseph Anthony Shaia £1.1.0
Naif John Shaia £1.1.0
Mrs Barbara M. Barry £1.1.0
Anthony Shoumar £1.1.0
Anthony John £1.1.0
Joseph Jabour Tanna £1.1.0
Mrs Hawa Aboud £1.1.0
Joseph J. Chaziry £1.1.0
Henry Arida £1.1.0
Mrs Zahie A. Coorey £1.1.0
Ghazy P. Ghazy £1.1.0
M.L. Hage £1.0.0
Joseph Coorey £1.0.0
Charles Baz £1.0.0
Michael Joseph Ghazy £1.0.0
Joseph Mahboub Fahry £1.0.0
Mrs Hemamy Hanna £1.0.0
Mrs Martha Hanna £1.0.0
Mrs Joseph Bayrooty £1.0.0
Sarkis Rahey £1.0.0
Mrs Elias Sarkis £1.0.0
Joseph William Sidawy 10/-
Betros Seed 10/-
Mrs M. Mattar 10/-
Assad Joseph Samya 10/-
Mrs Mary Jabour Karam 10/-
Mrs Annie Barakay 10/-

st Marouns

The “new” St Maroun’s Maronite Cathedral in Elizabeth Street, Redfern. Its foundation stone was laid on 1st March 1964 by Rev. P. Ziade, Parish Priest, and replaced the old church which was built in 1895.

Paul Convy

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